Friday, February 08, 2008

Maybe it's time for a change.....

I read and hear this a lot so I though it was worthing writing about. We all know the old say 90% of traders lose, so here's something to think about. We all follow the same rules, read the same books, and visit the same websites...

For example we've all heard these great sayings...
  • Only trade x% of your account
  • Cut you losses let you profits run
  • Your reward to risk ration should be at least 2:1
  • Plan your trade and trade your plan
  • Backtest, backtest, backtest
  • Price is king

Okay quick question....anybody consistently making real money following these rules?

I know my blog is full of these concepts, and I'm actually thinking about removing them because I feel it misleads people.

Bottom line is your are doing what you are suppose to, but you are still in the 90% losers section, so obviously these phrases, books, and guidelines are not working otherwise there should be a lot more winners.

Maybe it's time to take the road less traveled on....

Trade Well....